Organized in 2006, the purpose of BCIS is to promote the use of the genus Iris in gardens throughout British Columbia.

Benefits of British Columbia Iris Society membership include:

  • BCIS Winter Newsletter – packed with iris-related articles, including photos.
  • BCIS Spring & Fall Bulletins – includes announcements of future events & updates on previous events.
  • Annual General meeting & speaker in the spring.
  • Garden tours & workshops.
  • Group purchases.
  • Many opportunities to meet other iris enthusiasts, visit their gardens & exchange expertise.

BCIS Membership Dues coincide with the calendar year, January to December of the year.

  • $15 for individuals
  • $16 for families

You can now pay Membership Dues online!

If you see a RED DOT near your address on any of our mailings or read the PREVIOUS year e.g., “2017” on your address label, then it is time to renew your BCIS membership.

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